Integrated into the Core
ALL of the Power2Sustain Project's lessons and activities are grade leveled, Common Core correlated, and best of all INTEGRATED into the core and ALL subjects.
As public school teachers ourselves, we understand the enormous amount of curriculum requirements in place as well as the already over-scheduled use of daily instructional minutes. We, therefore, designed the curriculum for the Power2Sustain project to seamlessly integrate with any subject including ELA, math, social studies, science (of course), art, music, drama, technology and even social and emotional learning.
Please check back here soon to see how the Common Core correlation works and some examples of how environmental literacy is integrated into all subjects for grades K-12.

Additional environmental literacy lessons and activities for K-12th grade students:
California Environmental Protection Agency - Education and the Environment Initiative (EEI) Grade-specific and integrated (math, ELA, social studies and science) lessons and activities for K-12. Free to all teachers/educators. (Outstanding resource!)
Teacher information on sustainability and environmental literacy:
Information on recycling, reusing and reducing:
Next Generation Science Standards (STEM) (through the National Science Teachers Association)