Past Projects
Spring 2016
Curriculum development and testing
288 students, 12 teachers, 6 schools in 4 states
Funded entirely through donations form Bagito
Summer 2017
Curriculum development - High School lessons
6 teachers, 2 schools in 1 state
Funded entirely through donations form Bagito
Fall 2018
Monterey Bay Aquarium Oceans Plastics Summit for K-12 Teachers - (Participating Non-profit)
100 teachers, 25 sustainability advocates
Funded through donations from Bagito
Winter 2018
Wat Leu Village & Siem Reip, Cambodia, in conjunction with Gina Orlander and the Wat Leu Village Children's Fund - Garbage sorting and trash disposal lessons
60 students and assorted teachers
Funded entirely through donations form Bagito
Fall 2019
Madagascar + 10 states
Madagascar follow-up curriculum for 10 schools; 25 US schools in 10 states participated in new Carbon Emissions Calculations high school sustainability lessons.
Funded through donations from Bagito
Spring 2020
As the COVID 19 pandemic engulfs our world, and students move to remote (online) learning, we are working to identify which lessons in the P2S lesson databank can be amended for online teaching. We are also adding lessons for students to do at home, our in the yards, or even with a trees or patch of grass. The lessons will be identified with a "Remote Learning Approved" label.
Funded through donations
Winter 2021
USA 8 states
368 studnets; 12 teachers
Funded through donations from Bagito
Spring 2022
USA - 7 states
320 students; 10 teachers
Funded through donations from Bagito
Spring 2021
USA - Online learning
Online and remote learning continues -- We HAVE activities and kids are learning about sustainability. We have seen over 400 downloads of our curriculum so far in 2021, and expect more teachers and parents to access the online learning curriculum in the Fall.
Funded through donations from Bagito
Spring 2019
New York City Department of Education
1000 students, 40 teachers 12 schools
Funded through sponsorship grant from Whole Foods NYC
Spring 2014
Santa Clara County Schools
2108 students, 68 teachers 27 schools
Funded through grants from Safeway and County of Santa Clara's Office of Sustainability and Green Waste Recovery Inc.
Fall/Winter 2015
Salinas City Schools
1000 students, 30 teachers, 8 schools
Funded through a grant from Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority and CalRecycle
Fall 2023
USA - 6 states
260 students; 8 teachers in 7 schools (New York, Vermont, Virginia, Utah, Washington, California)
Funded through donations from Bagito