K-12 Lessons
The Full Story
We are in the process of updating our lesson databank. This databank lists K-12 environmental sustainability lessons and activities by grade level, and subject integration. We anticipate this process to be completed by August of 2023.
In the mean time, please feel free to use any of the general lesson links below, which we have researched and vetted. As an alternative you may use your own lessons and activities as long as you teach a full unit (5+ lessons.) After you have taught a unit, email us and we will ship over the class set of Bagitos and fabric markers for the concluding activity -- FREE-OF-CHARGE.
Grades K, 1, 2
Think Earth -- The First Grade unit of Think Earth’s environmental curriculum, Bernie the School Bus, focuses on conserving natural resources. Students learn that everything comes from the environment and that they can help conserve resources by using water, paper, electricity, and natural gas wisely. https://thinkearth.org/curriculum/first-grade
ITZA -- is a youth-focused digital learning platform that empowers independent learning centered around environmentalism, sustainability, and worldwide cultural history. They provide students and teachers with free, high-quality content, interactive quizzes, and real-life rewards via their digital currency, Yakka. https://greenschoolsnationalnetwork.org/itza/
How do we take care of our Commons? The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education In this lesson, students learn what a Commons is, how to take care of a Commons, and the importance of everyone doing their part to keep their Commons healthy and beautiful. They apply this learning to identify goals and rules for keeping the classroom Commons healthy and commit to individual actions they can take to care for the classroom Commons. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5825f79f59cc6805946db437/t/589b3fe920099e9d2841173b/1486569451338/Commons%2B-%2Bk-2_lessonplan.pdf
Taking Civic Action on Environmental Issues PBS Media In this lesson, students learn about taking civic action for a cause they care about, identify an environmental issue they want to address, and develop a campaign that they can implement to create change around that issue. https://ca.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/ac19-sel-speech/speaking-out-arthur/
Grades 3, 4, 5
What can we do with all this stuff?
Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education
In this lesson, students consider the idea of “zero waste” and their part in making
this a reality. Students go on a waste hunt to survey and document items that are
thrown away. Then, using the Habits of a Systems Thinker as a guide, students
grapple with finding a use for an item currently discarded as “waste.”
Taking Civic Action on Environmental Issues PBS Media In this lesson, students learn about taking civic action for a cause they care about, identify an environmental issue they want to address, and develop a campaign that they can implement to create change around that issue. https://ca.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/ac19-sel-speech/speaking-out-arthur/
Project Hero Pollinator Quest Capitan Pollinator Foundation In this project-based learning experience, students learn about the vital role that pollinators play in our food chains and ecosystems, identify pollinators that live in their region and the threats they face, and design a project they can implement to help pollinators survive and thrive. https://herofortheplanet.org/pollinators/
Grades 6, 7, 8
Walton Sustainability Initiative -- If the World Were 100 people
Green Schools National Network
Shelburne Farms’ Sustainable Schools Project -- Sustainable Economics: The Triple Bottom Line.
Shelburne Farms I In this project-based unit of study, students consider their roles as consumers and producers
through the lens of the triple bottom line of sustainability. In the first half of the unit, students are
introduced to factors that are essential to consumer decision-making and explore how these
factors impact the environment, economy, and people. In the second half of the unit, students apply
prior learning to brainstorm a product, conduct market research, develop a business plan, and then
carry their plan into production.
Grades 9, 10
Can we use a model to predict the impacts of nutrient pollutants on an aquatic ecosystem? In this
activity, students participate in a kinesthetic simulation to illustrate how nutrient pollution from
agricultural runoff can lead to a dead zone at the mouth of a drainage basin.
What to do about CO2?
Where does CO₂ come from and how does excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affect the
ocean and aquatic life? In this lesson students are introduced to the carbon cycle and explore pH
and acidification with hands-on experiments. They then connect their experimental data with real-
world data to evaluate claims about carbon dioxide and ocean acidification.
Grades 11, 12
Sustainable Development as Focus of Transformative Sustainability
Greenhearted Education.org
The focus for the senior level (grades 11 and 12; ages 17 to 18) is sustainable development.
Many people, especially in North America, believe that sustainable development (SD) is an oxymoron. Nothing could be further from the truth. Unfortunately, this misconception has meant that multitudes of people have still never learned about SD — its history, goals, principles and processes. So our society continues to develop in unsustainable ways. Our students must learn about SD in order to
become competent practitioners of sustainability in their lives and in their jobs.
Food Waste Audit
Have you ever thrown away food after a meal? Have you ever thrown away a whole piece of food?
What are some of the reasons you threw away that food? During this Food Waste Audit, students will
explore their own impact on our food system.
You might have read about the negative impacts modern human civilization has had on the
environment, like pollution, deforestation, and extinction of animal species. How can we use modern
technology to help protect the environment? In this project-based lesson students will design an
electronic circuit that can measure something in the environment like water quality and light pollution
What to do about CO2?
Where does CO₂ come from and how does excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affect the
ocean and aquatic life? In this lesson students are introduced to the carbon cycle and explore pH
and acidification with hands-on experiments. They then connect their experimental data with real-
world data to evaluate claims about carbon dioxide and ocean acidification.
Are your students passionate about the environment? Do they like to explore new ideas for more eco-
friendly products? This lesson will give your students a chance to grow a product out of mycelium
foams. Students will analyze the impact of this product on the environment at every step of its life