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Why Bagitos Make Excellent Eco-friendly School Fundraisers

Why sell candy full of sugar or wrapping paper that creates waste, when you can sell Bagito reusable shopping bag that actually helps people and the planet?

Not only do you have the opportunity to speak to the environmentally-conscious members of your school community, but you also get to promote school spirit Our Bagito bags can be made with your school's logo on the front. One of the many benefits of offering these eco-friendly promotional products is that students and families will model for other in their cities and towns, best practices in terms of reducing single-use trash and the related carbon emissions. A Trending Movement

People are concerned with the environment. The decision to offer Bagitos extends beyond personalized bags with logo emblems and words. When potential customers come to your table, they are going to see that you care about the environment. Many individuals are starting to buy products only from eco-friendly businesses, while others are joining the movement because it is a trend. You have the chance to speak to both of these audiences by choosing to hand out Bagito custom-imprinted reusable bags during your next trade show.

Useful Promotional Items

Bagitos make excellent tradeshow giveaways ideas because the bags are not only environmentally friendly, but they are actually quite handy. With California becoming the first state to ban plastic bags, many other states will likely follow suit. As a result, people who pick up your custom-imprinted bag will likely use it over and over again while grocery shopping. In addition, your bag also serves a great marketing purpose. At tradeshows, your potential leads may be overwhelmed with all of the options, or they may forget to write down the contact information of companies that interest them. However, when they look at your promotional bag again, they will be reminded of your company and may become a viable lead. Selecting reusable shopping bags from Bagito is smart because it allows your company to work toward saving the environment as well as reach out to the members of an eco-conscious market that is currently growing.

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